It starts with 'YOU'!

 Yes, you heard that right! The millennials constitute the majority of the consumer population and are also currently the largest demographic in the workforce. While this generation is more aware and supportive of the “green movement” and “sustainability”, their actions and attitudes suggest otherwise. According to Generation Green, 75% of the millennials will represent the workforce by 2025. This implies that economies will fundamentally thrive based on the needs, trends, actions, and habits of the millennials. So what role are the millennials playing in building a sustainable and circular economy? 

Research suggests that millennials actively demonstrate green attitudes but significantly lack with their purchasing behaviour and actions. While business organizations are actively seeking ways to capture the elusive green consumers, green procurement will only begin with changes in the attitudes and behaviour towards this issue. Businesses can only make predictions about the expected behaviour to influence their purchasing decisions however, it is ultimately the consumer’s decision. Millennials fall behind the average concerning green purchases /habits. While this is affected by several factors such as lack of facts/information, absence of choices, and controller’s syndrome a significant factor is the tone of a household’s orientation. 


Millennials’ focus on convenience has altered their buying habits and has also transformed how the economy runs. It is therefore important to start shaping habits and attitudes at home which eventually spill into other aspects of life and also your social groups. The misconception of green products being expensive and premium also affects purchasing habits. Such mistakes can be avoided by being responsible and actively conducting our research acquiring more information about conventional vs green products and allocating resources accordingly. 


Simply being aware and supporting the movement will not bring the ideal results, it is crucial to transform attitudes and behaviours to witness the desired goal. By starting small with at-home practices and playing an influential role in the shaping household values, sustainable procurement can start earlier than anticipated. Well, as the old cliched saying goes, “be the change you wish to see in the world”.
